I rarely listen to tracks people post... but massive star trek fan - I'm called Jim after Kirk - because I negotiated watching (I think) the first set of re-runs of TOS on the BBC in 1973 when I was 3 years old - they were on at 11pm and my bed time was 7 or something!

I'm guessing the biological responses sample is Tuvok, but it really sounds like Leonard Nimoy's Spock...

-- JimHowell1970

Thanks for checking it out! I find Star Trek absolutely fascinating, but I only got hooked when TNG was running. Yes, that’s Tuvok and Janeway. I’ve done three more “Trek Jams” since this one that you might also find amusing. They’re all on my SoundCloud in a playlist. “You Seem Apprehensive” is my favorite, but for some reason I think I listen to these more than any of my other recordings. I haven’t watch TOS in ages but there’s got to be a ton of sample worthy, inspiring dialog to build tracks around. Cheers!