Thread: Using Reset

I recently acquired a Moog DFAM/M32/SubH three tier setup. In the past I have just clocked everything in my modular setup with PAMs via BeatStepPro (BSP is USB connected to sync with Ableton Live so I can either clock with Live or if I don't want to use Live just use BSP to clock everything). To date I haven't really used "reset" inputs on anything and with the acquisition of the Moog components I'm thinking its about time to learn :)

I also have Varigate 4+ and Bloom in my modular setup and would also like to reset those when needed.

What is used to send a 'reset' it just a gate on step one from a primary sequencer?
How do you send a reset to multiple devices? I have Links...just send signal to Links 1 in 3 out section?

Very interested in hearing how others use 'reset' and what is driving your use of 'reset'