Yeah, an analog computer. A brand NEW one, too. Now, for some time I've been holding onto some semi-working surplus Systron-Donner 3300s, with the idea that I might be able to use them with some major modifications, building ONE functioning machine out of all three. But this had issues...the most disturbing one being that these had a +/-100V operating level. Plug that into a Eurorack module and watch the fireworks!

The Analog Thing, however, has a +/-10V level. This means that not only will it play nice with Eurorack, etc, it'll allow me to make the computer directly interact with my modular gear, with only some proto-pin to 3.5mm cables needed (and yes, a common ground). You want it to "talk" to something like Maths? Yeah, it'll do that. Want a VCO (yes, it appears to even be capable of CV control!) based on Chua's circuit or a Lorenz attractor? No prob, doodz. Just keep an attenuator on hand so that you can tighten up the voltage span, and you're live with that.

And now, I'm going to make you, the reader, have a total conniption fit:

It's only EUR 299. And yes, they ship and handle purchases internationally, so if you're not in the EU, you can still get on this thing. Extra cables? They got 'em...about EUR 25 for a sizable pack.

This thing is such a no-brainer for heavy-duty modular guys...but even those with smaller systems can jump on this. And if you want to constrain the voltages to a 0-5V for things like my AE, you can snag one of Soundmachines' NS-1 Nanobridges and use that to clamp things into the right ranges for that. Gamechanger, more or less!

Oh, and if you want to save a sequence of voltage curves, you've got Expert Sleepers' modules, which should handle this machine's outputs like a champ. Or work out something for its internal "hybrid I/O", which allows direct connection to a digital computer; IMHO, this just SCREAMS "Max for Live abuse".

Amazing times...I'd NEVER expected to see something like this! Should arrive in late May, so after some basics to get used to it, it's going right into the modular "sandbox".