You'll have 4HP if you use the Cara marbles module, which is 2HP less than one you have in the top left.

-- Manbearpignick

Thank you!

It is done!!

I can rest easy now and think about a more sensible introduction to hardware eurorack
-- static10

To be fair, that rack was never supposed to be an introduction to Eurorack. It was an example of what’s required for a ‘serious’ generative system - I still refer to it today. It’s not really module prescriptive either because in its original thread/context, Lugia explains what each module contributes to a generative workflow: some manipulate clocks, others extract gates from waveforms, others create random CV to manipulate those waveforms, and it goes on in an ever cycling, non-repeating fashion. What I like about the rack is that there are no ‘do it all’ modules (save for maybe the Marbles or Time’s Arrow), so you really have to think through what you’re trying to do - which for me is the fun part.

-- Manbearpignick

@Lugia's explanation of the rack is excellent and very helpful, even outside the thread's context, and I have it bookmarked for reference. I knew it was never meant to be an introduction, and it was never really in my thoughts for a first rack, but oh boy, that last module!