Some more suggestions. Think carefully about the 2hp modules. They may not be as usable as you think. Do you need an ADSR? For me it seems more useful for keyboard-driven sounds. A Cosmotronic Delta-V gives you two AR envelopes and two VCAs in 10hp. You can probably lose the 2hp VCA. As for the Buff, you already have one buffered multiple in Links. You only need buffering for pitch CV, so needing two would imply four VCO-type destinations, and you don't have that many. Stars or stackables can take care of other duplication, 0hp and much lower cost. Instead of Miso, I would suggest Klawis Mixwitch (same hp, more functionality), and instead of the Polivoks VCF, I would suggest Bastl Ikarie or another stereo filter with character. At this point you can just remove Maths, hold the space for future expansion, and see if you miss it. My guess is that you won't.