Thanks for your reply @Lugia

First thing I would suggest: remove the ES-8 and go with an outboard interface. Any DC-coupled audio interface works, and I and a couple of others here use the "obsolete" MOTU 828mkii as that.
-- Lugia

I was thinking the same, I have an RME-Fireface UCX II but I thought that the ES-8 would let me record and manipulate at least 8 channels separately instead of the stereo output of the rack.

If this is supposed to interface with a Max patch, it's awfully limited. And a lot of that is directly attributable to trying to use too small a cab for the build.
-- Lugia

ModularGrid Rack

I have this other rack idea, I don't have too much money to spend on a gigantic Eurorack case but I think I can learn a lot with a case like this for a year or so. I want to process my snare drum in real-time with a modular and Max, using percussion modules that will blend and activate with the snare triggering through Max. This kind of stuff but with a modular approach: