I'm looking for some advice to expand my modular. Currently this is my eurorack.
ModularGrid Rack
I'm probably going to buy a second Intellijel 7U 104 HP case soon.
What I know is that I'd like to add a sampler (especially for drums but I would probably use it to sample something else as well).
I'm always been attracted by the assimil8or but I'm still undecided.
I'm probably going to add at least another oscillator, I've seen some demos of the Ensemble Oscillator by 4ms and I really like the kind of sounds it can produce.
However what interests me most is what other kind of modules could be most useful to me?
I know i will probably have to change mixer or add another one, maybe add a filter, ecc. but I'm still not an expert in all the other kind of modules (utilities for example) that could improve my modular.
I'm into dreamy/psychedelic sounds so this is the kind of music I'd like to do with it.
Oh, and the absence of ADSR is intentional, I have one, but I hardly ever used it.