Wow! Thank you for the input! Part of the reason I love this website!

The numbers below are for organization purposes only.
1 This system is meant for small live performances/drum and base line recording for vocaliod songs hopefully also background noise as I work/play games. So a quarter inch output is important to me, I think I can manage without stereo output. Given your feed back I found the Rosie output modular that includes a cue! I believe this would be a reasonable upgrade.
2 I did not realize blooms was pre quantized. So that was an easy swap. I might just be a simp for the turing machine and rainmaker but I think it would be too difficult to play live or get anything descent to record. I wish Bloom had the loop feature but I’m sure I just need to read the manual.
3 Veils looks great!! Love the LED indicators and the slides over the dials – Thank you for helping me think about ergonomics I imagined it to be all controlled by LFOs from Pamela’s so I didn’t think about the space for my hands.
4 For modulation I’m looking for clockable LFOs, at the moment I am debating between Maths and a second Clep Dias, I know Math’s can do so much more but other than an envelope generator and pingable envelope (LFO) I would likely use it as a Side chain compressor if I get a second voice so the base drum will be easy to dance to. I am also not sure how to clock an LFO other than by ear if it doesn’t have a clock input, can maths be a clocked LFO?
5 I love the Logic part of kinks, the minimum function this would be useful. Is the Sample and Hold portion droopy for melodies? I was thinking RND by Div Kid for the S&H. I believe Lapsis Oz and Shades may overlap-let me know if I need more than 4 attenuverters. Links is just cool, and I don’t think Maths can be a precision adder while being an envelope generator/LFO/sidechain compressor so that was an add. For a filter would love the forbidden planet mmf – just great for creating wild things and taming equally wild things things (I believe its pingable, but I may be mistake). Hoping to get the Erbverd or the Desmodus Versio latter on!
6 I haven’t updated the dream rack with the changes here yet and it is equally overbalanced with gate makers/sequencers, but it has a ton of logic to help it create new things.
7 Great advise, I really am looking for a small number of great modules that will last as genres move and shift with the listening base.

Yeah, the digitalis is too much, I was putting it in for the notes scale changes on the quantizer and because it can save 8 to 16 sets I thought it would be easy to prepare good sounding things while spicing it up with the Turing machine, but Blooms is capable of that with Links and an LFO/pamela’s (like a presicion adder) but looking back It’s like I was using it a worse pamela’s new workout. And the price is more realistic.