Thanks for your reply farkas!
I'm aiming for a sort of ambient sound, something close to ann annie, or state azure (definitely not going to get close to his sound with this setup though haha). This was something I put together in vcv rack a while back:

I guess this kind of style is what I'd like to get close to, but with capability to branch out a bit.
That's a great point about limiting myself with on the fly tweakability. My thinking behind adding all those in was trying to get the most flexible utility capability out of the small set up, and allowing me the most variety between patches. In vcv I really enjoy spending a lot of time setting up my patch and getting it just so and then letting it do its thing, so I feel like I might be okay with the loss of on the fly tweakability. But not sure how that'll translate to real life in this setup.
Thanks again, really appreciate the feedback! :)