Thread: RNDSynth

At the moment I use Max-Plugins in Ableton that create random patterns with a single mouse click (note, pitch and velocity), which I then modify to my liking and feed into my Model:Samples or Cycles through USB/Midi.
A standalone midi-device of this nature doesn't exist as far as I know, so I'm looking for the next best thing, which is something like the Varigate 4+, where I can simply play around with the sliders to create a "random melody".

Using the probability function and conditinal triggers doesn't help me that much, as I still need to first program note/pitch/velocity for each step on my Model:Samples or Cycles, beforehand.

So yeah, what I'm looking for is something that puts out random patterns/melodies within seconds of pressing a few knobs or pushing some sliders around, like on the Varigate 4+.