Moderators: can we please delete the previous post, and suspend the account, please ? It's obviously a spambot.
[EDIT: I mean the one before the previous one ;-)]

What I love about modular:

  • The gritty analog sound. I may be in the minority here, but I'm sensitive to, and interested in, sound texture down to its finest grain. I'm not disparaging digital sound - it can be beautiful too in its own right, but in emulating analog, it's always a bland imitation, to my ears. Now I love digital sound design as well, because there are many things only digital synthesis can do, but I have the computer for that - a much cheaper solution, even though I'll admit it's less fun to use (It's also more efficient). Anyhow, when I want to feel my hair stand at the literal sound of electricity, only analog synths, and more than anything else, my Eurorack, give me that.

  • The geekiness of handling signals, coming up with new interesting ways of signal processing, and that a modular synth is half way between an electronics lab and a musical instrument. As I often say: just making music instead of noise is already a feat. Making good music, in those conditions, is a miracle and I have utter admiration for those who manage that (me, I make a few tracks with the modular and integrate them into more conventional instrument tracks to make a song - and I edit a lot afterwards). Getting elaborate music (or just pleasing sound) out of basic electronics with just the use of my brain and hands, is a joy and a marvel.

  • Sound design !!! (This is the logical conclusion of the previous two points)

  • The physicality of it. (VCV is great, but it doesn't thrill me as hardware does. It's a tad cheaper though, so it has that going for it ;-))

  • The fact that my studio looks like an Appolo cockpit. I am a technological peacock.

  • The creativity of module creators. (I wish I was better at electronics myself. I know I should make the time to learn that but I don't.)

  • The discussions: I love discussing many things, from art to philosophy to psychology to sciences to engineering, and here I find enough geeks to indulge my passion for splitting hair and talking endlessly about a subject; discussing our tastes, reviewing gear, sharing tips and tricks...

  • The vibrant community (this is the summary of the last two points ;-))

I'll let you know if I think of anything else.