I didn't notice the 1u VCA, somehow... I thought it was the left half of the midi unit. But yes, that would take care of that need.

If you're going to be sequencing by midi, then the swap you're describing could be great... but of course, those are two very different modules. If you need sequencing, you need sequencing, not Woggling.
-- Shakespeare

Yes, I sequence by MIDI and I also have an SQ1. What I was doing was sequencing with MIDI and then using the MD to send CV sequence to different parameters. But it honestly has not been a great fit for me. I find that just sending the sequences from Ableton gets the pattern and pitch that I want, plus I can do so many styles of sequences with it. So the rest of the rack is basically modulation. Thats why I started looking at woggle more. I feel like it could be a good fit for the BIA as well. On that note, this sloth module looks so cool too. I am definitely going to get one of these.