Hi there!

The first thing I noticed is the redundant Dixie. If you already have the Dixie II+, I would not recommend adding another Dixie. Course I could be missing some special application (Dixie in stereo? Do they feed off each other somehow through patching?). A different VCO or some kind of filter would be a better use of that space, or some more VCA.

Speaking of space, that Rene sequencer takes up a lot of HP. I am also in the process of building and from what I read people either really love the Rene, or dislike it/regret buying it. I have been leaning towards a Pioneer DJ Squid for my sequencer (has pads, cv/gate, midi, usb...about the same price as a Rene). Another thought if you have used a Rene before and enjoy it: put the Rene in a separate 4ms pod casing (maybe the 40hp model?).

Modules to think about:
Noise Engineering Pons Asinorum
Nano Modules FONT
Flight of Harmony Plague Bearer