
On Grid since August 9th, 2019

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Collection 174 modules

MXR Clone Looper, MC404 CAE Wah, SCH-1 Stereo Chorus, Tone Press, BF-2 Flanger, BD-2 Blues Driver, DM-2W Delay, DS-1, DS-2 Turbo Distortion, LS-2 , OD-1 Overdrive, PS-6, RV-6 Reverb, VO-1 Vocoder, Butah, D'addario Chromatic Tuner Pedal, Ventura Vibe, Whammy 5, micro.clock , DPC-8EZ Gen3 , DVP1 Volume Pedal, Echoplex Delay, Echoplex Preamp, Swiss Things, Pitchfork, Stereo Pulsar, Tri Parallel Mixer, Holy Grail Neo, Memory Boy , Micro Q-Tron, Octavix, 10th Anniversary Tremolo, Nebulus, OCD, Plimsoul, Soul-Bender v2, Deja Vibe MDV-2, Ultimate Octave, RMC3, Wally, Skyline Eko , Soul Press, DE-7 Delay/Echo, ES3 Echo Shifter, FL-9, FL-303, FC-10 Fat Cat Distortion, PC-10 Dual Chorus, Phase Tone II, TS10 Tube Screamer Classic, TS7, Angry Charlie V4, Katana Mini Boost, Red Dirt Mini, Super Mod Workstation, Little Dual, Roto-Machine, Six Band EQ Silver M109S, M 234 Analog Chorus, SF01 Slash Octave Fuzz, Bluesbreaker, OD-9 Overdrive, E-Lady, Trelicopter, Mosquite Blender with BJF Buffer, Philosopher’s Tone , EV-5, Turbo Tuner ST-200, Nemesis Delay, SA170 Programmable EQ, Room-Mate Mk2, Spark Mini Booster, Ditto Looper, PolyTune 2 Noir, NOVA System, Tumnus Overdrive, Fuxx fuzz, Paisley Drive Deluxe, SL Drive Limited Edition, SP Compressor, EP Booster, SL Drive, GE-7 Equalizer, CE-2W, FZ-3 Fuzz, Sparkle Drive, Superdelay, DVP4 Volume (X) Mini Pedal, DVP3 Volume/ Expression Pedal, Charlie Brown V4, Octa-Switch MK3, Guvnor, Deluxe Electric Mistress, Tube Screamer Mini, Ensemble King, Overrated Special Overdrive, AD-80, TRUE TUBE OVERDRIVE (TOD-9), VINTAGE OVERDRIVE PRO (VOP-9), Nobels Digital Stereo Chorus CH-D, Nobels ODR-1, Standard Wau Fuzz, Tremolo, Proctavia, Timmy, TR-2, PH-1R Phaser, CE-3 Chorus, DC-2w Dimension C, Tera Echo TE-2, DD-3T, DD-20 Giga Delay, DS-1-4A, DN-2 Dyna Drive, ES-8, FB-2 , OC-2, OS-2, SD-1w Super Overdrive, DOD Carcosa, Silicon Fuzz Face Mini, ChoralFlange, Fat boost fb3, Lucky Cat Black, Pink Panther Delay, ShredMaster, Drive Master, Micro DI, AB Box, Rat 2, Kingmaker Fuzz, Gemini Chorus, Fuxx Fuzz, Micro Vibe, Analog Chorus, Superfuzz, Power Drive PD-01, Blackbird Vacuum Tube Preamp, Spindoctor 2, OC-5, Supa-Trem Junior, Supa-Puss, MC6 MKII, ML5, Full Drive 3, FV-30L, PolyTune 3 Mini (noir), Flashback 2, Hall of Fame 2, M5 Stompbox, CH-1 Super Chorus, Clyde Deluxe Wah, Lucky Cat, Mini Triple Tap Tempo, pulp n peel, Volante, Collider, Neuro Hub, Hyper Lead HL-01, Tri Metal TM-01 , Ultra Fuzz UF-01, Tap Tremolo, Verbzilla, Echo Park, Red Dirt Germanium Overdrive, Archer ikon, TSMINI, PHMINI Phaser, BTMINI, MS-10 Metal Charger , Mini Flanger, Aqua Puss Analog Delay MkIII, Bright Onion Pedals - Micro Tap and Effectrode Blackbird SR-1
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