40 mm wide
94 mm high
Current Draw
50 mA / 9 V DC / Negative Center
$140 Price in €

This Pedal is currently available.

Turbo Tuner ST-300 Mini


True Strobe Display
The Turbo Tuner is a true strobe tuner (not virtual, and not a simulation). The easy to read display instantly shows the slightest change in pitch.

Chromatic Mode
Tunes any note in the scale from C0 (16.35 Hz) to C8 (4,186.0 Hz).

Open Tuning Modes for Stringed Instruments
In open tuning mode, the tuner shows the string number instead of the note letter. There are five modes, each can be customized for any alternate tuning.

Alternate Temperaments
The Turbo Tuner is set to the equal temperament by default, but can be programmed for up to 5 different alternate temperaments.

Drop Tuning
Transpose all notes up to 6 semitones.

Compact Size
The ST-300 Full Size tuner is the same size as a typical MXR pedal. The ST-300 Mini is even smaller.

Reference Pitch Adjustment
The A4 reference pitch may be set to any frequency between 300.0 Hz and 599.9 Hz in .1 Hz increments. (Default is 440.0 Hz).

Power Supply:
The ST-300 Full Size can be powered by a 9 Volt battery or an external 9 Volt DC supply. The ST-300 Mini requires an external 9 Volt supply.

No Battery Drain When Off
When switched off, the Turbo Tuner will not drain the battery. You can leave your instrument plugged in.

Power On Restore
The Turbo Tuner remembers the settings from the last time it was powered down.

Low Battery Indicator
A message is shown on the display when there is about 1 hour of battery life remaining.

Extreme Accuracy
The internal time base of each Turbo Tuner is calibrated at the factory to +/- 1ppm (that's .0017 cents) and is guaranteed to maintain an accuracy of +/- .02 cents for the life of the product.


submitted May 31st 2017, 19:08 by jacobstoker | last Change Feb 23rd, 21:43 by thomas277