7U Techno (copied from Ihor)edited

7U Techno (copied from Ihor)edited

09-12-23 Zero

09-12-23 Zero

62HP Intellijel Palette Challenge-1

62HP Intellijel Palette Challenge-1

62HP Intellijel Pallette Minimum Viable Party 1 (Suggested Systems Video II) (copied from mylarmelodies)

62HP Intellijel Pallette Minimum Viable Party 1 (Suggested Systems Video II) (copied from mylarmelodies)

Backpack Party

Backpack Party

Backpack Rack

Backpack Rack

Backpack Rack (copy)

Backpack Rack (copy)

Current Pallette Case (copied from RickyT)edit

Current Pallette Case (copied from RickyT)edit

Dfam companion 12/23

Dfam companion 12/23

Expanded DFAM

Expanded DFAM

For Sale

For Sale

Live Board

Live Board

Live Rig

Live Rig

Mini Techno

Mini Techno

Mini Techno (copy)

Mini Techno (copy)

Minimal Party

Minimal Party

Minimal Party (voices only - drums=Rytm)

Minimal Party (voices only - drums=Rytm)

Modseq patch

Modseq patch

Modular drums exercise.

Modular drums exercise.

My afloat Eurorack

My afloat Eurorack

My blowzy Pedalboard

My blowzy Pedalboard

My brimful Pedalboard

My brimful Pedalboard

My brimful Pedalboard (copy)

My brimful Pedalboard (copy)

My burdened Eurorack

My burdened Eurorack

My caboched Eurorack

My caboched Eurorack

My chanceful 500 Series

My chanceful 500 Series

My cycloid Eurorack

My cycloid Eurorack

My goodish Eurorack

My goodish Eurorack

My gutsy Eurorack

My gutsy Eurorack

My inlaid Pedalboard

My inlaid Pedalboard

My lateen Eurorack

My lateen Eurorack

My learned Eurorack (copy)

My learned Eurorack (copy)

My lither Eurorack

My lither Eurorack

My oarless Eurorack

My oarless Eurorack

My oscine Eurorack

My oscine Eurorack

My palette 84

My palette 84

My palette 104

My palette 104

My prudent Eurorack

My prudent Eurorack

My roguish Eurorack

My roguish Eurorack

My roguish Eurorack (copy)

My roguish Eurorack (copy)

My roughish Eurorack

My roughish Eurorack

My sick Eurorack

My sick Eurorack

My tacky Eurorack

My tacky Eurorack

My unfiled Pedalboard

My unfiled Pedalboard

My unquenched Eurorack

My unquenched Eurorack

My ventose Eurorack

My ventose Eurorack

My xylic Eurorack

My xylic Eurorack

Noise Engineering Trio (copied from Ihor)

Noise Engineering Trio (copied from Ihor)

OXI Studio rack

OXI Studio rack

Obscure Machines Eat Sleep Techno Repeat #069 (copy edit)

Obscure Machines Eat Sleep Techno Repeat #069 (copy edit)

Obscure Machines Eat Sleep Techno Repeat #069 copy

Obscure Machines Eat Sleep Techno Repeat #069 copy

Olan! Modular Techno Set #16

Olan! Modular Techno Set #16

Oxi MVP (62)

Oxi MVP (62)

Oxi MVP (62-b)

Oxi MVP (62-b)

Oxi MVP (104)

Oxi MVP (104)



Palette Techno 05-06-2024

Palette Techno 05-06-2024

Pallette Techno

Pallette Techno

Pallet techno 12-29-23

Pallet techno 12-29-23

Performance 84

Performance 84

Performance 104

Performance 104

Performance Techno

Performance Techno

Performance Techno

Performance Techno

Portable Techno 62hp

Portable Techno 62hp

St Modular Mixer

St Modular Mixer

Standing desk

Standing desk

Studio Setup

Studio Setup

Studio Setup (Synths and Drum Machines)

Studio Setup (Synths and Drum Machines)

Studio Setup (rack gear)

Studio Setup (rack gear)

Studio rack

Studio rack

Techno 7u new

Techno 7u new

Techno MVP

Techno MVP

Techno banger

Techno banger

Techno palette 03-2024

Techno palette 03-2024

Tiny Mutable

Tiny Mutable

Tiny Techno

Tiny Techno

Yale demo mantis

Yale demo mantis

Zero Companion

Zero Companion

Zero techno 03-31-24

Zero techno 03-31-24

needelham rack

needelham rack

oneri pod

oneri pod

purple heart small rack

purple heart small rack

stand up desk

stand up desk