Gemini Chorus

Source Audio Offer Details


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In the box, comes with the programming cable.If you've done the research, you'll know this is a SUPER tweakable chorus. With the programming cable and a phone, you can use the Neuro app to set parameters to your heart's content.The out-of-the-box settings are awesome, and you can stop there if you want. But I'm a tweaker.That's one of 2 things that drove me to this pedal in the first place. I wasn't happy with how most chorus pedals caused a drop in volume. I was initially looking at the Dimension C for a subtle always-on chorus, but it robbed overall level. With the Gemini, I was able to adjust the output can fine tune the EQ, you can tweak literally everything.The "Quad" chorus is pretty amazing for that subtle thing. The Classic is fantastic, and Dual smooths it out if you want something in the middle.And if you want to get crazy, you can assign any of the other Source Audio effects to any of these positions. So you can have a Vibrato, Chorus, and Tremolo in one.I'm moving into plugin land & clearing out my pedalboard to buy software now. :facepalm: It's a journey...

Source Audio Gemini Chorus

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