
Carl Martin Offer Details


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CARL MARTIN ECHOTONE ANALOG DELAYOnly selling because I finally (god, it took years!) managed to snag a Tonal Recall RKM for a not insane price. Even then I've been hesitating, because the Echotone has that very useful FX loop. Still, I haven't got the space on my board for two delays, so something had to give.To my ears, the delay quality of the Echotone matches the Tonal Recall. Warm analog echoes for days, right out to 1200ms. It's just the size and the mains power that are a bit of a pain (although once you get used to planning for the extra plug, that's not really an issue).There are a few videos about if you want to have a listen- to be honest, I think this pedal deserves more recognition than it gets, just for the pure tonal quality (and that loop). It's always been a bit of a sleeper. Good way to get top drawer analog delay tones for not crazy money.

Carl Martin Echotone

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