
Way Huge Offer Details


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Came in on trade, works great!From Way Huge:A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care—that the balances are correct.
Fear is the TONE killer! You are about to enter a world where the unexpected, the unknown, and the unbelievable meet. Take a spectacular journey through the wonders of space and the mysteries of time. From the boundaries of the incredible to the borders of the implausible.
The Sleeper has awakened! The Way Huge Atreides Analog Weirding Module offers a kaleidoscope of organic synth-like tones. Inspired by a vintage 1980 mini synthesizer, this consciousness-awakening device produces a monophonic effect with many layers that can be manipulated as needed through dynamic playing technique and adjustment of each of its several sliders. Kicking the footswitch generates an explosion of growly sub-octave, expressive vocal envelope, swooshing phase, and gnarly fuzz sounds. Ascend the high dune and gaze upon an expanding world of musical delights full of pure imagination.
Got questions? Shoot me a message, I love nerding out with other gearheads!

Way Huge Atreides

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