FX80B Compressor Sustainer

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We have a very clean DOD FX80-B Compressor/Sustainer Guitar Pedal for sale!SummaryBeautiful Fire Red/Orange in a very sturdy metal chassis.Single 1/4" Input/Output3 Knob Control: Level, Release, CompressionThe FX80-B is a very subtle compressors in the best of ways. Unlike many compression pedals, the FX80 does a great job of raising your levels without coloring the tone. Keeps your sound within a reasonable dynamic range.Condition-This unit was obviously taken care of. Paint is in excellent shape. No visible scratches, chips. Most shockingly, no signs of wear from stomping or former velcro glue!-Does not come with power supply (classic male style adaptor). However, the backplate that holds the 9V is VERY easy to access and NO screws. I'd recommend pickup up a 9V-DC power adaptor and not worrying about changing out the batteries.NO RETURNS1.2L#8 Brown Box 8x8x82.0LJP


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