71 mm wide
124 mm high
Current Draw
? mA / 9 V DC / Negative Center
$39 Price in €

This Pedal is currently available.

Coolmusic Echolation

A-DE01 Digital Delay with 9 Delay Effects

9 Delay Effects:
1. Clean: Produces a pure, accurate delay effect.
2. Mod: Produce a pure delay with chorus effect.
3. Analog: Produce a warm, vintage delay effect.
4. Tube Echo: Simulates the sound from a tube-driven echo machine.
5. Tape Echo: Simulates echo tone from a tape machine.
6. Dynamic: pure delay with dynamic delay volume variation.
7. Lo-Fi: pure delay tone with sample reducing feedback.
8. Filter: Produce a delay tone with sweeping filter.
9. Reverse: Produces a delay tone with reversed feedback.


submitted Aug 31st 2020, 02:07 by Cyclopediste | last Change Sep 4th 2020, 15:02 by motorhead412
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