I found 2607 threads containing R P in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
VST+Modular=Dark Science Fiction Album You by 1 11
Techno Jam for Hogmanay You by 10 80
Just Friends + Disting Ex Matrix Mixer You by 3 230
Minimal techno jam around instruo Tsl, basimilus iteritas alter and plonk You by 1 69
ambient pop collaboration You by 1 3
Minus 38 Degrees You by 4 51
Disting EX / SD Multisample drums demo You by 3 65
Evening experiment: Pinging filters You by 9 140
My first ever liveset, at Paradiso in Amsterdam during Voltage Control Amsterdam You by 5 109
Clockworks Industrial You this user has left ModularGrid 3 29
Hertz Donut WMD Techno Madness You this user has left ModularGrid by 13 162
Want to build a Eurorack, want feedback You by 2 87
Ukulele Meets Morphagene You by 12 84
Self Generative Ambient Patch - Sealegs Plaits Rings Beads You by 1 41
Ericasynths driven Techno jam xx You by 1 10
Evening Modular Experiment: WMD SCLPL & MSCL You by 4 106
Airplane // Euro rack ambient // Morphagene You by 8 91
Adding in the TB03 and SH01 You by 5 102
White Noise Power Electronics Glitchy Frankenstein Rig You by 6 72
cyberneticOhm "the book of dEON" new album You by 6 49
So I bought an RES-4 You by 25 270
Cosmotronic Messor You by 4 92
Das ist Techno You by 7 181
WMD Metron Test Case You this user has left ModularGrid 5 133
Live Stream - a patch controlled with noise. You by 6 48
Best of ModularGrid 2020, released! You by 25 304
systasis001 - Limited Cassette Edition You by 9 74
mucorded amen w/ zularic repetitor, cvlization, morphagene, manis iteritas, branches, 1... You by 4 46
If you can't beat em, join em You by 9 87
More fartin around (acid) You by 12 112
Drone Thursday You this user has left ModularGrid 7 59
Todays short jam You by 1 23
piston honda mk3 You by 11 289
DFAM x BIA x Font You by 4 61
Something a little different You by 9 81
Modular Jam > editing > tracks You by 5 67
Spooky Halloween Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 36
Halloween Patch from Scratch You this user has left ModularGrid 5 27
Erica Synths Tekno System You by 2 54
Mikrokosm // Eurorack microfunk (plonk, rings x2, nanorand2, plaits) You by 7 70
echelon's moral - modular and cello You by 3 50
Beside the Counterpoint You by 1 38
Saturday WMD Jam Session You this user has left ModularGrid 9 61
Chainsaw jam You by 13 125
Attenuator/mixer from Zlob Modular build and demo You by 1 25
Bit 'O DnB Style You by 6 62
First attempt at Maths You by 1 3
More bananas and upright You by 11 72
Instruo Athru You by 7 233
First test Endorphin.es Queen of Pentacles You this user has left ModularGrid by 12 155
What do Klingons Dream About? You by 4 70
Magic Panels You by 11 247
twelve-tone technique You by 11 54
BugBrand Board Chirper & Pedals You by 9 86
Maths, MXR Carbon Copy Delay and Trees You by 5 57
My Tragic Hope You this user has left ModularGrid 4 55
AE Modular? Modular Discussions by 27 582
MINIMOD VS ATLANTIS Modular Discussions by 3 33
Planning new build Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 5 45
Vote now! Eurorack Essential Features Survey 2020 Modular Discussions by 4 68
Behringer k-2 mounted to Eurorack Modular Discussions by 7 89
Adding a Computer and a sound card into the setup - Suggestions? Modular Discussions by 5 105
OK...Behringer 2600, finally Modular Discussions by 3 150
Tangerine Dream build? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 13 236
Record synth session ... USB mixer or sound card? Modular Discussions by 2 41
Something fresh, Something new! Modular Discussions by 5 70
Something to consider... Modular Discussions by 5 158
Sequencer for recording longer gates via midi to cv? Modular Discussions 14 182
Question - 512 Vector Sequencer with other pitch and gate connections Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 107
Big modules or small modules? Modular Discussions by 11 116
Novice question about jumpers Modular Discussions by 5 5
A CV module to play 2hp modules? Modular Discussions by 8 64
VCV 2.x out! Modular Discussions by 12 186
WMD - the end Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 9 486
The Great Rearrangement Modular Discussions by 14 323
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 723
"Normalized" Modular Discussions by 20 311
Dedicated fx for certain modular systems/synths? Modular Discussions by 6 33
DIY A-100 kit running very hot – idea's? Modular Discussions by 3 12
Jamming with a live band Modular Discussions by 8 189
Intellijel or Pulp Logic 1U format - which one to prefer? Modular Discussions by 4 256
DAMN!!! :( :( :( Modular Discussions by 10 67
Moog Subharmonicon will go into production if Modular Discussions by 3 129
Sebsongs Odds Modular Discussions by 3 68
Need recommendations for layout of new setup Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 82
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1153
Increasing pitch Modular Discussions by 13 110
Looking for patch tips for Malekko Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad Envelope Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 11 163
Why do people have an obsession with Black panels? Modular Discussions by 22 891
Get difference between two CVs Modular Discussions by 11 148
Digital Saturation? Modular Discussions by 2 59
Minimum generative rack Modular Discussions by 4 327
Is there a What not to connect Guide for Modular Modular Discussions by 3 793
How long can I keep my rack on, and other general questions about the longevity of my s... Modular Discussions by 8 190
Confounded Noob: mother-32 and euclidean module connectivity Modular Discussions by 6 75
DFAM and 4ms Listen troubleshooting Modular Discussions by 1 36
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Connect Behringer Wasp Deluxe to eurorack Modular Discussions by 6 101
Patch cable storage for desktop modular systems Modular Discussions by 20 575
advanced triggered pitch & amplitude modulation? Modular Discussions by 2 10