How about a section in the search criteria for expansion boards for modules?
I guess that parameter could be tacked on to the description pop-up in the rack. It'd be useful to be able to search for this because of the nature of expansions being a plus (or minus) toward the decision to include a module in your rack.
-- Sandrine

You mean to signify whether a module has an internal* expansion on it or not? You can always add that as part of the available info on the module itself and then link to the original site with more info on the expansion.

I'm not sure I'm following. By the way, there aren't a lot of modules with internal* expansions - yours and a handful of others are the entirety in Eurorack.

*I'm unsure if you mean expansions like the MIDI option on your VCO or expanders/break-out modules like the others available on MG. The latter are always posted as separate modules and tagged as such.