some advanced tips:

  1. place one maths in the center as the brain, to control the others
    If this is not enough, add various behringer brains. Its a no brainer.

  2. You could use behringer Radar to control mutable instruments ears and ears to control the after later audio auris. If you combine it with the OR outputs of all abacus modules, you can track passing combat-jets. - but only after passing through, with 2 % accurency. This is way late, but it actually does something, if you are lucky.

  3. Drop all abacus and place it with behringer neutrons. You will see, that it doesnt fit in the rack. This will result in a not existing neuronal network, covering nothing, but sleeping circuits, resting in eternal mysery. This could be the peace and happiness you are looking for - if not, add some more behringer brains.


Excellent advise. it really got me thinking.
In fact, it spawned a stroke of pure genius: If I completely remove the backside of my rack, discard all the power related electronic components, and add rails to mirror the front; I will have a double sided rack. Basically world domination.
I just increased my order of BAs to 40.
They arrive next week.
I will post the unboxing and the fully formed next-level sonic brilliance that will immediately ensue, along with a detailed patching diagram.
I am certain that just having this many Abacus modules together in the same rooom, they will assemble themselves.
I will film that too.
Stay tuned...
