ModularGrid Rack

I've been working on this for a while (a few years), and it's a really solid setup in my home studio. I pair this rack with my double bass, which I also have some pedals for (in front of the modular input). I also use an 0-ctrl for external sequencing. The sort of basic/init patch is to run the live bass, aux out from Lubadh, and Arbhar outs into the Switch 4; those get mixed to mono by the 2hp mix and go out to an amp. But the two switchable outs are routed back to the inputs of the Lubadh and Arbhar. This allows not only looping/overdubbing of the bass on the modules, but also to send the audio around the system for resampling. This requires a bit of additional switching that, along with triggering recording and erasing, is controlled by foot via the ADDAC311.

I'm now at the point where I'm going to be playing out, and I'm wondering if any experienced folks on the forum see any potential pitfalls to avoid or problems that maybe I've overlooked?