How about a repository for user manuals?

For those of us who rely on Modular Grid for module research, it would be extremely helpful, especially for those cases where the manufacturer no longer exists, or documentation was spotty.

Maybe even allow for the more industrious technical writers among us to create new user manuals where none previously existed?

Location could be within each module's page, or a forum heading, or a separate area of the site by manufacturer, or some combination thereof.

Speaking for myself, I have a lot of modules, but not a lot of modular experience (the robustness of my rack is purely owing to an opportunistic purchase at an estate sale), so I get a lot of benefit from manuals. Tracking them down (for example, to ensure they're actually plugged in correctly), though, is very time consuming and often frustrating.

But when I find them, they are eminently more useful than scrolling forever through YouTube videos hoping to find a loopop or Robin Vincent or Chris Meyer or Tim Shoebridge deep dive with section headings so I can find the thing I'm trying to do without watching all 20-60 minutes of the video.

I think a manual repository would be really helpful to many people, with my own preference bing one in a separate area of the site, organized by manufacturer, with links to individual manuals within module pages.

One man's 2 cents.