thanks for your comment. i see your point but in my mind we are talking about two distinctively different things here: one is, as you mentioned, the "wishlist". the dream rack. the plans for years to come. modules i would never be able to afford. racks i couldn't fit into my living space. just tinkering about with new visions. trying the unimaginable. thinking out loud. and so on....

whereas my feature request above has a slightly different view on the subject: a rack which is nearly complete (in this case 98hp on 15u plus 2x 42hp on 12u) and has only some 8 modules missing which are most likely to be purchased in the nearer future and which are also most likely to be the ones desired.

in such a case it doesn't seem to make too much sense (in my world at least) to create multiple racks which then feature only the missing modules.
what i actually envisioned to achieve with this request is a better visibility of the modules which i still need to purchase amongst the existing ones. just to be able to better contemplate over which one is the next one.........and to keep things realistic in a way........