Rene is really amazing...for one thing, you can use it as a touchplate controller when it's not being clocked. The Rene/Tempi combo has some interesting voodoo of its own; see here:

As for the Rampage, it's close to the Maths' source as well; both are different takes on the Serge Dual Universal Slope Generator, which is what the "core" of both derive from. And the DUSG is very legendary in of itself for being a "Swiss Army Knife" module, just like its derivations here.

4 to 6 modules, hm? OK...give me a bit...

[a bit later]

Hawt damn...
ModularGrid Rack
Six modules = one complete modular. The modulation source is Tiptop's Buchla 281t. Don got that thing right! Also from Tiptop, the MISO has the ability to turn the 281t's signals into a number of other variations. Then I went with Xaoc's Odessa for bigtime complex waveforms and (because I sneaked the Odessa's expander in there...not counting that one) four-voice polyphony. ALL of the VCAs needed are right there in Erogenous Tones' VC8; you can break them out individually, but you can also mix the Odessa's three outputs down to a single output...and STILL have a second quartet of VCAs and a free submixer! Then for filtering, one of the great pieces of sheer MADNESS...Dave Rossum's Morpheus, named for the (Proteus) Morpheus which first had that wild Z-plane filter. It can be nice and smooth...or it can go for total earrape...and most anything in between. And then the current (and last...sigh...) Mutable granularizer, Beads. 115 hp, $2000 and change.

So what's missing? Not much, really. I would think a Happy Nerding Isolator 2022 could be nice at the end of the voice chain, and maybe a MIDI interface or Expert Sleepers interface for external control. But honestly, those would be IT. The rest of this little build is ready to launch!