Isn’t the Bytom simply a switched OR combiner?
-- stripou

Sort of. Most times that you see a typical "diode OR", it's sort of limited in capability as far as inputs are concerned. The Bytom, however, contains three of these sorts of circuit, and you can combine them to create a 12 input OR. Which is a tad silly, but which I can guarantee can actually happen. But the nice thing about the combination switches is that you can switch in and out of incoming pulses with a little creative patching and the use of the link switches, so if you put an output for, say, a shift register on the top output and more typical clocking on the middle, you can cut the clocking for the shift register and have it "hang" while the other clocked modules keep on going.

About the closest thing along these lines that I can think of are several different multi-ORs which can switch between one of two busses. The Bytom's routings, however, offer some interesting potential routings that those can't, such as combining entire busses.