I'm using my leftover modules to fill a 104hp 4u case. The current setup is extremely haphazard since it's all random leftovers.

Take a look - I want recommendations for what to do with what I already have, and what modules I should purchase to tie it all together into something fun. Plus your reasoning behind the choices.

Here are the raw materials:
- Black Intellijel 104hp 4u Pallette Case
- Mutable Instruments Rings
- Mutable Instruments Blades
- Mutable Instruments Clouds
- Mutable Instruments Branches
- Mutable Instruments Tides V2
- Mutable Instruments Braids
- Mutable Instruments Shades
- Mutable Instruments Ears
- Mutable Instruments Shelves
- Mutable Instruments Streams
- Befaco Kickall
- 2hp S+H
- Erica Synths Pico Seq
- Instruo Athru

Here's a link to all the modules in one place plus an empty case to work with:
ModularGrid Rack

I'm willing to add new modules - Go wild with your recommendations and reasoning!

NICU on YouTube
NICUmusic on Instagram
For my baby daughter Luna who fought very hard to be here