Indeed the use of mostly Intellijel modules comes from an obsession of having something super clean and tidy.
It's completely irrational of course, and maybe I'd gain from trading aesthetic for practicality.

-- Subaphonic

Just remember: the synth is eye-candy for YOU. Anyone else won't give a rat's about what the system looks like, even live. You need it to SOUND snazzy...not to LOOK snazzy. And, the fact is that the stranger the build looks, the more "oooooo" factor you'll get from audiences, as hodgepodge Euroracks actually have that "dangerous rat-rod" sort of thing going on. So go more for the Mad Scientist aesthetic!

As for the cab cost, the 104 is only $100 more than the 62, which to me is a pretty good bargain given that you're getting 42 hp more on the tiles and 3Us, better power, and a few extras in the ute row. They've also got Intellijel gigbags to fit their cabs; have a look at this: The other point is that while 62 hp isn't exactly a "normal" row length, 104 hp is, and if you need more cases to fit that form factor, it'll wind up being easy-peasy to implement with the Palette 104.