Hi, folks...since I'm about to bang into the rack limits on MG, I'm going to need to delete a BUNCH of the various builds on my account to get some rack slots back for use. So, if I've done a build for you and you've NOT copied any of the builds, your build is at risk of deletion in the next couple of weeks. If you don't know how to copy a build...

1) Click on the rack itself in the Forum. This will bring up a dialog that allows you to "copy" the build to your account.
2) Copy that build! Then after that, use the "Duplicate Rack" function in the "Edit Rack" pulldown to make a copy that you can mess with.

Please note: for those without Unicorn accounts, you CAN copy the build even if it exceeds your free account's limits on hp and rows, but you won't be able to tinker with it further unless you get a Unicorn account...which, frankly, I endorse the HELL out of! $20-ish for a resource as expansive and useful as Modulargrid is kind of a no-brainer, really. And while these were done for different individual users, they're still super-useful as studies on how successful basic builds are put together, so if you see something among these that you like feature-wise, copy away!