I'm not down with trying to cram drum functions into this at all. This is simply TOO SMALL to support all of these subfunctions without having to compromise the build in general. It'd be a nice cab JUST for drums, but if you try and get this build to do what you're aiming for at present, you're going to wind up with a boxful of half-measures.

Again, I put the blame here on YouTube. Yes, people on there build single row skiff builds. No, they're NOT necessarily the right way to go, especially if you're just beginning in modular. For one thing, they're not easy to configure AND get right. Secondly, they force users into either using loads of tiny modules, resulting in an ergonomic nightmare, or they force compromises in the module complement that causes the resulting build to be rather underpowered. I've referred to most of these sort of builds, when they work, as "mission-specific"...the user has a limited range of functions in mind from the start, and that guides the build process. But it's a massive pain to take a serious build with optimal results and then try and shrink this down into 3U x 84 hp. Instead, follow Jim's lead here, and start looking for a much better (and bigger!) cab for your rig...then just repurpose this Cre8 cab for drums. That is, do that if you like spending excessive amounts of money on something that a proper drum machine is capable of for maybe 1/3rd of the cost...frankly, that's what I would do here (and what I, in fact, do).