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Patches  Find comments and discussions about Patches from Sketch a Patch in here.  401
ModularGrid  About this Site. FAQs about the Planner, Sketch a Patch. Forum Features and HowTos  405
Modular Discussions  Discuss about anything Modular Synthesizer related. Patching ideas, interoperation with DAWs and controllers and how you did this freaking DIY fuzz mod.  634
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Looking for feedback/advice on Nifty ... looking for feedback on the nifty keys layout rack I made a… by in Racks
VictoriyaClub Looking forward to playing with the TenderBang Eurorack Mod… by in Racks
A bit of acid techno Feeling like… by in You
Adding Modules to Maschine+ - Recomme... Hello everyone! I've had a Maschine+ since the beginning… by in Modules
Need advice to extend my semi-modular... Every rack wants a Pam's Pro Workout as a master clock. … by in Racks
VST+Modular=Dark Science Fiction Album This is a collaberative album made by myself and my buddy B… by in You
First system -- Enough utility? Looks good to me! by in Racks
Squarp Instruments xp32 I hope Squarp will develop a similar module for the Hapax i… by in Modules
Feature Request edit: found the fix on the pc browser. is there something f… by in ModularGrid
Live Set of atmospheric Techno so also finally uploaded my first youtube demo with a set. … by in You
What To Get Next Ok thanks a lot! Will do that then ;) by in Racks
- Spectravox 1C Build You could always sell the Mutant Brain and get a CV.OCD. Th… by in Racks
Immutable Rings resonator module kit ... A physical modelling synthesis module. Very simple build, … by in You
"Dave Smith Instruments - DSM02 Chara... Hello, will this old module still make any sense in 2025?… by in Modules
Kaona Sisyphus a new video on Sisyphus to see all the filters at work. [h… by in Modules
Stochastic Instruments Strange-R.. re... Hi friends, has anyone received a strange-r ? Is the module… by in You
Steady State Fate Zephyr he didnt make one. he said he intended to and it got away f… by in Modules