GTO / GTS / Noise
“Carnivore II” combines three signature Serge modules in only 4 inches - GTO and GTS are Serge's latest complete redesigns of his most iconic modules: the Smooth & Stepped Generator (SSG) and the Dual Universal Slope Generator. While originally these modules were not designed for oscillator use (and did not offer any 1V/Oct tracking at all), GTS and GTO now can - among many other uses - easily be used as (dual) oscillators with outstanding tracking (up to > 2kHz), turning Carnivore II into 4 oscillators.
The GTO (formerly SSG) is a dual “lag and hold” device that can be quite a few things, depending on how you use it. It can be patched as a slew, portamento, oscillator, LFO, metallizer, triggered staircase generator, subharmonic generator/ divider, VCA, lowpass-gate, sample and hold, track and hold, set of comparators, trigger delay, one-shot, envelope follower, quadrature function generator, “bit-crusher” and much more.
The GTS (formerly DSG or DUSG) is essentially an integrator or slew generator that alters the rate of change of a signal - on steroids. While that sounds simple, it can serve a wide range of functions for both CV and audio such as envelope generation, function generation, filter / lowpass gate, clock and trigger generation.
Serge Noise Source provides both white and pink noise waveforms as well as a S/H SRC that generates a special (“noisy”) waveform as an ideal input for Sample & Hold functions to produce random voltages of equal probability.
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?