17 Col

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.



Black-hearted custom version of the CGS SWAMP

Custom built and deeply modified by Jon Peters


Column 0
The outputs are logic; they are high or low, (no kind of slope, no matter what is fed into it).

Column 1
White and pink digital noise; as an option will output Serge analog white and pink noise when rate knob is pulled out.
Random gates1 & 2. Each is unique but driven from the same clock.
Clock I/O, Int. clock switch. Switch down the module is driven from an internal clock,and the output of this clock is available at the jack. Switch up disconnects the internal clock and allows an external clock into the jack to control the speed.
CV jack allows external CV to control internal clock rate.
Rate. Sets clock speed, pull for analog noise.

Column 2
Clock divider. Reset switch starts the divisions over, all inputs go high upon reset.
Syncopate switch forces reset at division 7. All divisions go high during reset. This setting gives a syncopated, swingy feel to your clock.

Column 3 Gated Comparator
Enable switch. Up for loop,middle to manually drop out bits while in an 8 step loop, down is normal mode. In loop mode the input is automatically disconnected.
Disable. A gate here will stop a loop in progress until the gate ends. More accurately it allows bits to drop away until there are none left.
Rotary switch/ Loop in jack. Choose how many steps are in your loop, or more accurately which stage sends its bit back to the top. The active bits will still travel down to step 8 after which they will fall out, or go back to the top if you are doing a 8 step loop. If you want a 4 step loop from the Klee section, (mix and inv mix outs), you will need to turn knobs 5-8 all the way down. The last step on the rotary is an additional input to the loop, useful for cascading 2 gated comps.
Range sets the lowest voltage available to be controlled by the sequencer pitch knobs.
Sens controls the sensitivity of the input,how high the voltage must be before the main comparator fires off.
VC Sens is an attenuator for the cv input,cv control of sensitivity
In jack is your main input,try one of your noise outputs here to start.

Column 4
Comp. Main Comparator out and LED, the LED will give a visual indication of how often your comparator is active. You must set the sensitivity low enough that there are gaps. If the comp activates on every clock pulse all outs will end up high and there will be no further activity.
Loop In. A gate here will add bits to your loop. You can also use the load switch to manually add bits to a loop or just get a loop started.
Random. Random voltage output, this is affected by the bit disable switches.
Rnd Inv. Inverted version of above output.
Mix. This is the Klee style sequencer out. Voltages chosen by the 8 knobs and range knob. Remember more than one stage can be active at once. If you just have one bit traveling while in loop mode this will work as an ordinary sequencer.
Mix Inv. Inverted version of mix out.
CV. Input for CV control of sensitivity.
Clock. Clock input.

Column 5
Gate outputs for each stage.

Column 6
Sequencer output knobs, and bit disable switches.
The unmodified version of the gated comparator has bits 1-4 active and bits 5-8 disabled. Pull to disable.

Columns 7-14 SEQUENCER
The row A knobs are push-pull switches.
Pushed in they have a range of 0-2v,with finer control. Pulled they output 10v with a coarser action.
The position of this knob affects rows B-D in this column.
Row D not affected in solo mode.
The knobs for rows B-D work normally. Row D has a special function also.
Next in line is the stage out jack. This goes high when the stage is active.
Stage select. A gate here will activate the stage and hold it there as long as the gate is high.
Next is the gate switch. To the left (gate 2) gives a gate signal when the stage is active and the clock signal is low. Centre is gate off.
To the right is gate 1, sending a gate to the gate jack when the stage is active and the any clock signal is high.
A clock with adjustable pulse width will give interesting patterns when some stages are set to gate 1 and others on gate 2.
Run/Stop/Skip switches:
The switch on the left is for up direction, the one on the right is down direction.
For both directions down is run, the sequencer plays normally.
Middle position stops the sequence in the up direction. The previous stage plays normally then the sequence stops at the stage with the switch set in the middle position.
No stages are active during stop, the CV goes to 0v and no gate or trigger is produced. For down direction the stage refuses to play and the previous stage stays active,still sending CV and a gate with the clock pulses if the gate switch is in use.

The Touch Pads have a few functions. In normal mode when you touch a pad it will select that stage and hold it as long as you press. In both modes pressing a pad will give you a gate at the P Gate jack and a CV proportional to how hard you press at the Press jack.
In solo mode (solo switch up) row D will give a voltage set by the D knob at the D jack without selecting the stage. Rows A-C sequence normally, Row D can be used as a keyboard. The knobs will need to be tuned in solo mode and the output will be different than what it was putting out in normal mode. There is a Sample and Hold function so the note will stay active even when you remove your finger.

Column 15

The first 4 jacks are your row outputs. The LEDs indicate which row is being output through the vertical sequencer.

RDM A clock here causes the sequencer to operate in a random fashion. It will take at least 10 clock pulses before it behaves in a normal manner.
UP A clock here advances the sequencer in the up direction.
Press This jack outputs a CV promotional to how hard you press any touch pad.
SOLO Down for normal operation, up for solo mode.

Column 16

ABCD Output of vertical sequencer.
234 This switch chooses how many rows are vertically sequenced. Use 2 or 3 when in solo mode.
Reset Resets the vertical sequencer to row A.
Trig This outputs a trigger for each step of the sequencer.
Gate Output for the gate switches,combines gate 1 and gate 2.
Down Down direction clock input.
P Gate Goes high whenever a touch pad is touched.
Stop A gate to this jack will stop the sequence. Trigger any stage to restart

submitted Oct 13th 2016, 12:40 by DiscarnateEntity | last Change Jun 1st 2018, 21:30 by beatcleaver

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