oh... i thought you were using a metasonix VCF... no idea if it'll emulate the organ, but you'll probably get some funky tones out of your oscillator. you're the first person here i've seen that'd put one of their modules in their rack. i can't abide by the mismatching yellow, so i'd stick to their VCA. i think you'd get more tube sound with a tube filter than oscillator, but then again, you won't get the same "misbehaving sound" as metasonix's S-1000 wretch likes to make some random howls.
-- bubblefunk

Thanks bubblefunk. I'm not that concerned with the look, but more with the sound. If you take a listen to some of the demos like this one the filters in those days were line multiple notch and/or bandpass filters to try and emulate real instruments. After listening to some demos I don't know that a the Metasonix tube filter would achieve these tones. I am thinking a formant filter or ADDAC 601 might be better although I don't need all of the VC features of the 601 and at a higher cost.