Just tried it out with the Benjolin. It seemed like the pulse happened at the peak of the triangle, so I just inverted the pulse to make it happen at the start of the triangle and got some pretty satisfying results!
So here's what I'd do with your system specifically: Run whichever VCO/VCF combo you'd like into a VCA. Run the triangle A out of the benjolin to the CV in on the vca. Run the Pulse A out of the benjolin to the A * B + C to invert it, and use that out to clock the turing machine as well as the sample and hold. Run one of those into the quantizer and out to the 1v/o of the VCO, and the other to the CV in on benjolin osc A. Use any other modulation sources you'd like on the filter for a fun time : )
-- Progspiration

Fantastic, thanks so much! I'll try it tonight.