so next question is...
if the package will be lost and the user is not refunding me, do i have the right to write his name/username in the "bad trader list" here on MG explaining the situation?

this is his full response on my complain about not wanting to refund:

I know well how it works, and when people want to use paypal protection service or ask me for insured package (and so they pay for that), i make sure that the package is insured at the value of the material. I make a lot of transaction in France and EU via multiple platform and i never had any problem with that. If you don’t pay for an insured shipping, you take a risk, and it is what it is unfortunately. I know it sucks but i’m not a shop so if people want security for shipping, they have to pay for it…

Hope they will find it, of course i will keep you in touch of the news.

Sorry about this situation but i can’t do much more

Have a nice day