I noticed you have Intellijel (love them) Quad VCA, which has great additional features of boosts, individual attenuator pots, etc, WMD makes a real interesting Triple Bi-polar VCA. I don't think you need more VCAs like that. Maybe not as simple as the A-130-8v from Doepfer, but just some extra VCAs that allow you to take advantage of all the power you already have. Oh and along with those VCAs some LFOs, maybe throw an øchd in there :)
-- FredFoxtrott

I do also have the ADE-50 which usually leaves me with plenty of vcas...or at least it hasn't been a problem yet.

I do really like the idea of the øchd, that's a great recommendation for a module of which I was unaware, and I do most often find myself wishing for another dixie (for an lfo source) independent of the dixie itself (rather than just multed or stackcabled). If that makes sense.

Great food for thought. Appreciate the feedback!

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche