I’ve been getting back into making music after many years of silence. This is for fun / passion / sanity / therapy vs a pursuit of money or fame, but i do value then right tools for the right jobs so i do research, try things out and reevaluate on the regular.

Synths are not new to me but Modular is - so I went semiMod at first (minibrute 2s, moog GM, then sound studio modules..) and have taken pains to select gear with cv IO (Hapax brain,Hydrasynth, a moog slim phatty, drumbrute impact and microfreak).

The Modular’s purpose is just to expand the menu of things I can do with the entire synth crew as a whole - and introduce granular capabilities and simple sampler function to boot.

I’m trying to decide between a couple options I think will serve my needs here well: the IntelliJ quad VcA at 12p and a PAIR of Doepfer A-132-3v modules that would consume 16hp.

Also idly looking at adding an slim HP LFO module that could modulate nearly anything I’ve got. Looking at Divkid’s 0chd and the Swiss Army knife of a MK 3 or 4 Disting.

Rack pic: (shows doepfer and both LFO options, but those aren't really in my collection)

And yes I know, a mother-32 here is a hog, but I have my subharmonicon and DFAM in a custom hardwood rack and don’t plan on buying more modules (and needing better rack real estate ROI) until I master what I’ve got.

So what’s your opinion? Everyone’s got one :)

PS. I'm happy to answer questions about any gear I've mentioned...