This has some very serious issues. For one thing, there's only four VCAs for this entire honkin' big build. That's not going to work out very well. You also have discontinued modules in here, the Shelves being one of those, so if you don't either have one or can't find one on the used market, you're not going to have one. The Moog should NOT be in here, since it's got its own cab and power, and using case space (which should be for actual modules that don't have those) that makes the Moog more expensive doesn't seem to me to be fiscally sensible. If you doubt that one, try this:

Cost of case / hp count. This yields a "cost-per-hp" amount for the cab. Then...

Cost-per-hp x 60. This is the actual cost to house the Moog in the cab. Then...

Actual cost figure + Moog price. Kinda spendy. Ouch...

The layout is pretty confusional as well. You might try laying this out so that you have similar-function modules grouped together, and then pushing those into cogent signal paths overall. Right now, the build's a trainwreck...definitely NOT something I would want to use. And a lot of that's because the panel's going to vanish beneath a mat of patchcords that go all over the place needlessly. Plus, you could stand to lose maybe a third of the modules that's there, especially the 4 hp and down ones, especially if you can consolidate the various one-function modules into a couple of slightly larger ones. That'll help clean up the panel as well; have a look at THIS for an example of what I'm talking about:

Wishing is good, but like the old saying says, "be careful what you wish for". This has an awful lot of operational booby-traps as it is; you might consider being a little more methodical with the module complement instead of dumping piles of "feature" modules into the cab. You have enough of those (plus the Moog) that you're in a position to build an uncontrollable mess, so don't do that.