I think something like Plaits would definitely allow you to get rid of the 2hp sound sources. And for that matter, Warps (another Mutable module) with the Parasites firmware might come in handy here as well, allowing you to stretch the VCOs you do have a bit further while adding a limited internal oscillator for ring mod, waveshaping, vocoding, TZFM, frequency shifting, and a bunch of other fun stuff. I didn't recommend any module changes at first because this is your system. You know what you like and don't like about it.
And that sort of leads me to why I'm hesitant to recommend any module changes at all. You're already pretty deep into your modular adventure, and you chose your current modules for a reason. If I was to recommend a bunch of stuff that you don't already have, that would be MY dream system not yours. You already noticed that I proposed a workflow that focuses more on rhythm, which is how I use my own rack. I've watched a lot of your videos, so I know that your approach is much more melodic and sort of "generative-ish" than my focus on repetition and noise. Any module recommendations I make would reflect my own tastes and approach, not yours.
I will say, don't be afraid to sell off the modules that you don't use or that don't fit your developing sound. Just be purposeful in what you add and subtract.
Have fun!