And for my take on this...well, I started work on a rework, but then ran into a very disruptive imbalance between actual oscillators and "everything else". Technically, there's only three VCOs here, not counting the drum modules.

With this much modulation and processing in the original build, it makes a lot more sense to figure out what expansion you can do to the oscillator complement to REALLY punch this up. One possibility would be to add a few more basic VCOs, but a more versatile possibility would be to replace the STO and the Befaco with a pair of complex VCOs. These would give you loads more timbral flexibility AND it would keep your modulation sources nice and busy. And they'd make a good mix with the Chainsaw VCO.

So, my question would be this: how much latitude would you like me to have here? Given that you're considering moving all of the percussion to a separate cab, that would open up loads of room to play with.