I'm not sure if its possible yet, but could I modulate the Quadrax with Maths (or vice versa)? if so, does anybody have any suggestions to try out?
-- jb61264

Can you ? Oh boy, not only you can, but I would say it's what it was made for, go crazy on that !
You can start by having a look at this excellent video from Intellijel themselves going over CV assignments on Quadrax - it is a really clever system and the one of the main arguments behind my own purchase of that same module:

Here's the Math's illustrated manual: https://w2.mat.ucsb.edu/mat276n/resources/systems/CREATE_teachingSynth/manuals/8c_Maths2013-V1.11-printable.pdf

There's even more content out there, if you have the time, have fun ;-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---