What I would also do is not have the 60HP contraint. But you can do a lot of things with the rack you have planned and a smaller sequencer like the v4+ instead of the vb8. vb8 AND 60HP is putting you in a corner IMO.

Kinks and/or something like the Lapsus Os that you have in your rack plans would be able to attenuate/offset/invert
all modulation so it fits the range of what BIA is expecting. Spacewise i think that is what I would do.

Kinks is amazing for the size and what it offers.
CV wise the first part SIGN gives a signal inverter and and a half- and full-wave rectifier (that only keep the positive part of a signal.See the panel or the manual to understand this).

So one signal in and 3 interelated but different out. and thats only the first part of Kinks

For quality effx HN FXAID is great and only 4hp.

So if you take out v8+ and pico dsp and put in v4+ ,Kinks and HN FXAID you have a more balanced system.
and still 6hp for something else ;)