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Thanks Garfield- great tip on the Erica Synths Dual VCF will try that tonite.
As for Vector, I had a great chat today with Jim Coker the inventor of Vector and he was kind to help me out. Was great connecting with him on how he came to design it and so forth. I figured out the pitch stuff and now have a bunch of cool patterns going to several oscillators. I also figured out how to connect the expander correctly as it was not hooked up right. Jim graciously helped me on that as well. A fun sequencer and very powerful. I do wish that it had 30 CV outs and 30 gates but it is great. Paired with my Eloquencer an unbeatable combo to drive a very large modular system with ease. Now I just need another large eurorack mixer and that elusive comparator Lugia mentioned to me a while back.