Glad you liked it both, and that's an interesting question @farkas. In that case I'm doing something similar but a bit different to No Highpass Acid: in both I'm running the Pulse out from an NTO into my NCOM to generate sub-harmonies, and that's where a lot of the harmonic movement comes in (in fact I'd like to understand exactly what's happening here theory wise, like what's the harmonic relation an octave and a half down [3 divisions on the NCOM]). There's a difference though, on No Highpass I mixed the output of the NTO and the NCOM in my Quad VCA and then put them through the VCFS, on #2 I put them through the VCFS first (it has two inputs and a crossfader) and then route that through one VCA... and for whatever reason that approach leads to some really interesting overdrive when you push it towards the NCOM's input (maybe @Lugia can explain it 👀).