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Hi there and happy new year!

I recently am dealing with this issue since I want to record my modular to Ableton DAW and remix for a future album. I use a Keith McMillen K-mix which supposedly has a way to do this direct to PC via USB but alas that did not work. SO, what I had to do was send the output from modular mixer to my Babyface RME and get Ableton to recognize the audio and then I was able to record.

My test run using the VCA patch from defragmenteur earlier:

I do have a Doepfer A190 in another case but this method is way easier for me plus no need to take up precious HP for another expensive MIDI to USB to CV module. However, the Expert Sleepers ES-9 appears to be the way to go direct to a laptop or ipad to record into Ableton and receive CV and clocks from a DAW to modular. I will probably pick up this module later next year or get another better mixer like the Roland MX-1 for recording all my synthesizers and modular to a DAW.

Another option is the 4ms WAV Recorder Eurorack Module that lets you record modules directly to an micro SD card and use later.