100% with ya, Jim...I hate it when people see these "tiny builds" and then think they can manage one with zero build experience. They CAN be done...but you really, REALLY have to know what you're doing.

Worse still, I caught a clip on YouTube from the likes of PERFECT CIRCUIT showing how you too can build some tiny 1 x 84 skiff system. But that only works if you build THAT system! Start swapping modules for your own sonic prefs, and you're suddenly on the modular synth equivalent of the bullet train to heck! And even with their expert, what they cooked up really didn't have all that much capability when you sat down and examined it.

For the OP here, a little info should elucidate the problem...

Tiptop Mantis (perhaps one of the best powered starter cabs right now) = 208 hp totalled for US$335.
Intellijel Palette 62 (the cab in question) = 62 hp of 3U, 62 hp of 1U for US$299.

With the Mantis, you get 208 hp straight up for US$36 more. That's over THREE TIMES the space for standard Eurorack modules than the Palette 62. And even if you factored in the tile row, you'd STILL wind up with far less space for your US$36 savings than the lower cost can justify. And sure, I get that the Palette has MIDI I/O and extra buffered mults (which, in 62 hp, are basically wasted) and the audio I/O...but all of that can be added into a Mantis quite easily, with more comprehensive modules for those functions...and you'd STILL have room to grow. Not got the ca$h for more modules right now? Well, that space will wait patiently for new toys when they're affordable.

So why do these small cabs exist in the first place? Simple: they're more or less little "sidecars", additional small powered (or not) cabs that can support a few additional modules to an existing build. Or at least, that's a more sensible use for them. Got an existing modular that could use a Maths and so forth? THAT is when you drop in something like the Palette 62. But for the love of GOD, don't try and build a full-featured modular in one! 95+% of the time, IT WON'T WORK.